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October November December   2010    Volume 5 Number 4










Forwarded by American Aid Society, Chicago



Glückwunsche (Congratulations)

          MONIKA SCHEFFRAHN graduated with Magnum Cum Laude from Columbia College Chicago with a 3.85 GPA. She majored in Film and Video with emphasis on producing. She hopes one day to become a Hollywood movie producer. She landed her first professional job in Hollywood's filming of Terminator 3 this past July in downtown Chicago.











Forwarded By Sgt. James S. Thornton








Forwarded by Jon C. Zimmerman




          As we get older we sometimes begin to doubt our ability to "make a difference" in the world.  It is at these times that our hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements of other "seniors" who have found the courage to take on challenges that would make many of us wither.

Harold Schlumberg is such a person: 


          "I've often been asked, 'What do you old folks do now that you're retired?' Well...I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and whisky into urine. I do it every day and I really enjoy it."


Harold should be an inspiration to us all.







Dolphin and a Dog

Forwarded by Magdalena Metzger



My name is Ine.  

I live in the Netherlands with my husband, son and Beagle named Dizzy.

Birthday: Oktober 25th 1953

Nationality: NL (Netherlands)



Friendship II











Forwarded by Jon C. Zimmerman




Got My Eye On You Who Let Me Outta Here?

Would You 

Open This Zipper?

Rough Day President Barack Obama


Don't Pull on That Tab

Say 'aaaahhhhh'! Predator Pumpkin Motorized Medusa
It's Alive!! Native American Portrait Brainiac
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Unlocking A Vision Foods With Moods
Biting His Tongue David Letterman The Fear Inside




          Artist Ray Villafane began carving pumpkins on a lark for his art students in a small rural school district in Michigan . The hobby changed his life as he gained a viral following online and unlocked his genuine love of sculpting. Above are images of pumpkin carvings Villafane created over the past five years.    



Ray Villafane

Born March 5, 1969 in Queens, New York

Received a BFA in Illustration and Education from the School of Visual Arts in NYC

Relocated in 1993 to Northern Michigan where he lives with his wife and 6 children

Has had work published in Society of Illustrators Annual of American Illustration, HOW Magazine, Reflex Magazine, Problems & Solutions, and Upper and Lower Case Periodical

Has had pieces shown at the New York Art Directors Club, Society of Illustrators Museum of American Illustration, Spaces Gallery and Jordan River Arts Gallery 

Clients include Sideshow Collectibles, Reflex Publications, DC Direct, McFarlane Toys, and Bowen Designs

Web Site 

Status: Married Here for: Networking, Friends Orientation: Straight Hometown: New York Body type: 5' 7" Ethnicity: Latino / Hispanic Religion: Christian - other Zodiac Sign: Pisces Smoke / Drink: No / No Children: Proud parent Education: College graduate Occupation: Sculptor
Read more:

Rocky Point Hs
Rocky Point, NY
Graduated: 1987
Student status: Alumni
Degree: High School Diploma
1983 to 1987
Read more: 



Pumpkin Carving Tutorial



1. large clay ribbon loop...

peels the rind off the pumpkin beautifully 

as well as does 90% of the carving,
minus the small details.

1. medium clay ribbon loop...more blocking in of the face

2. mini clay ribbon loops....smaller details, especially around the eyes.

1. Xacto knife and paring knife for sharp defined lines and cuts.





Congratulations to member Hans Martini 

on his new position as woodworker 

at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.








Forwarded by Jon C. Zimmerman




Subject: This Will Drive You Nuts


          I don't know how this works but it does.
This will drive you nuts, if you let it.















Forwarded By Sgt. James S. Thornton


If you are a senior, you will understand this one.

if you deal with seniors,  this should help you understand them a little better, and 

If you are not a senior yet ........God willing, someday you will be......

The $2.99 Special

We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the 'seniors' special' was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $2.99.

'Sounds good,' my wife said. 'But I don't want the eggs.'

'Then, I'll have to charge you $3.49 because you're ordering a la carte,' the waitress warned her.

'You mean I'd have to pay for not taking the eggs?' my wife asked incredulously.

'YES!' stated the waitress.

'I'll take the special then,' my wife said..

'How do you want your eggs?' the waitress asked.

'Raw and in the shell,' my wife replied.

She took the two eggs home and baked a cake.
WE'VE been around the block more than once!

Send this to the Seniors in your life. I'm sure they'll appreciate it!    
Even non-seniors will appreciate it!










Forwarded by Jon C. Zimmerman




You know you are too old to Trick or Treat when:

10. You get winded from knocking on the door.

9. You have to have a kid chew the candy for you.

8.  You ask for high fiber candy only.

7.  When someone drops a candy bar in your bag,

you lose your balance and fall over.

6.  People say: "Great Boris Karloff Mask," 
     And you're not wearing a mask.

5.  When the door opens you yell, "Trick or..."

And can't remember the rest.

4.  By the end of the night,

you have a bag full of restraining orders.

3.  You have to carefully choose a costume 

that won't dislodge your hairpiece.

2.  You're the only Power Ranger in the

neighborhood with a walker.

And the number one reason Seniors should not go

Trick Or Treating...
1.  You keep having to go home to pee.

No matter, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN anyway.












Forwarded By Eddy Palffy


Anybody who bought a condo here sure has a problem.


Talk about a collapsed market!







          (1)  An underground garage was being dug on the south side,

to a depth of 4.6 meters. 

          (2)  The excavated dirt was being piled up on the north side,

to a height of 10 meters. 
          (3)  The building experienced uneven lateral pressure from south

and north.
           (4)  This resulted in a lateral pressure of 3,000 tonnes, which was

greater than what the pilings could tolerate. 

          Thus the building toppled over in the southerly direction.

First, the apartment building was constructed.

Then the plan called  for an underground garage to be dug out. 

The  excavated soil was piled up on the other side of the  building.

Heavy rains resulted in water seeping into the ground.

The building began to tilt. 

Then it began to shift and the "hollow" concrete pilings were

snapped due to the uneven lateral pressures.

And thus was born the eighth wonder of the world.

They built 13 stories on grade, with no basement, 

and tied it all down to hollow pilings with no rebar.

Brought to you by the same folks 

that make your kids' toys 

and want to build your car.

Now that, folks, is a snafu.  

Don't you feel better now, 

that these are the folks manufacturing nearly 

EVERYTHING we buy and use today?










(Click title for associated Music)


Forwarded by Eduard Grünwald


This Explains Why I Forward Jokes



A man and his dog were walking along a road.
The man was enjoying the scenery, 
when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years.
He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road.

It looked like fine marble..

At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold.

He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.
When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?'

'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.

'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.

'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.'

The man gestured, and the gate began to open. 'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveler asked.

'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. 

There was no fence.

As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book....

'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?'

'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.'

'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog.

'There should be a bowl by the pump,' said the man.

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.

The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.

'What do you call this place?' the traveler asked. 

'This is Heaven,' he answered.

'Well, that's confusing,' the traveller said.

'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'

'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'

'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'

'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'
Soooo. Now you see, sometimes, we wonder why friends keep forwarding stuff to us without writing a word. Maybe this will explain it.

When you are very busy, but still want to keep in touch, guess what you do? You forward emails.

When you have nothing to say, but still want to keep contact, you forward jokes.

A 'forward' lets you know that you are still remembered, you are still important, you are still loved, you are still cared for.

So, next time if you get a 'forward', don't think that you've been sent just another forwarded joke, but that you've been thought of today and your friend on the other end of your computer wanted to send you a smile.



You are welcome at my water bowl

Any Time !!









German Products History Series

The Bild Lilli Doll Story


Forwarded by Anonymus


          The Bild Lilli Doll was a German fashion doll produced from 1950 to 1964, based on the comic-strip character Lilli. She is the predecessor of Barbie. 


The Bild Lilli Doll




          In the beginning Lilli was a German cartoon character, created by Reinhard Beuthien for the tabloid Bild-Zeitung in Hamburg, Germany. In 1953 Bild-Zeitung decided to market a Lilli doll and contacted Max Weissbrodt from the toy company O&M Hausser in Neustadt/Coburg, Germany. Following Beuthien's drawings, Weissbrodt designed the prototype of the doll, which was on sale from 1955 to 1964. When Mattel acquired the rights to the doll the German production stopped. Until then production numbers reached 130,000. Today Lilli is a collector's piece as Barbie is, and commands prices up to several thousand Euros, depending on condition, packaging and clothes.


The Cartoon


          Reinhard Beuthien was ordered to make a "filler" to conceal a blank space in the Bild-Zeitung of June 24, 1952. He drew a cute baby, but his boss didn't like it. So he kept the face, added a ponytail and a curvy woman's body and called his creation "Lilli". She sat in a fortune-teller's tent asking: "Can't you tell me the name and address of this rich and handsome man?" The cartoon was an immediate success so Beuthien had to draw new ones each day.


          Lilli was post-war, sassy and ambitious and had no reservations talking about sex. As she had her own job she earned her own money as a secretary but wasn't above hanging out with rich men ("I could do without balding old men but my budget couldn't!"). The cartoon always consisted of a picture of Lilli talking to girlfriends, boyfriends, her boss ("As you were angry when I was late this morning I will leave the office at five p.m. sharp!"). The quips underneath the cartoons handled topics ranging from fashion (to a policeman who told her that two-piece-swimsuits are banned: "Which piece do you want me to take off?"), politics ("Of course I'm interested in politics; no one should ignore the way some politicians dress!") and even the beauty of nature ("The sunrise is so beautiful that I always stay late at the nightclub to see it!"). The last Lilli cartoon appeared on January 5, 1961.


The Doll


          Lilli was available in these sizes 30 cm (12 inches) and 19 cm (7 and a half inches). She held three patents absolutely new in doll-making: The head wasn't connected to the neck but ended at the chin; the hair wasn't rooted but a cut-out scalp that was attached by a hidden metal screw; the legs didn't sprawl open when she was sitting. The doll was made of plastic and had molded eyelashes, pale skin and a painted face with side glancing eyes, high narrow eyebrows and red lips. Her fingernails were painted red, too. She wore her hair in a ponytail with one curl kissing the forehead. Her shoes and earrings were molded on. Her limbs were attached inside by coated rubber bands. The cartoon Lilli was blonde but a few of the dolls had other hair colors. Each Lilli doll carried a miniature Bild-Zeitung and was sold in a clear plastic tube.


          In 1955 the tall dolls cost 12 Marks, the small 7.50 Marks. German office workers then had a monthly salary of approximately 200 to 300 Marks, so the doll was by no means a cheap toy. She was originally marketed to adults in bars and tobacco shops as a joke or gag gift. Many parents considered her not appropriate for children.


          Although the doll was originally not designed as a children's toy, she eventually became popular with children.  Doll houses, room settings, furniture, and other toy accessories to scale with the small Lilli were produced by German toy factories to cash in on her popularity amongst children and parents. Lilli and her fashions were sold as children's toys in a number of European countries, including Italy and Scandinavian states. Lilli was as high-profiled and successful as a toy as she was as an adult novelty, although outside of Germany she is mostly remembered in the latter guise.


The Wardrobe


          Lilli came as a dressed doll, with additional fashions sold separately. Her fashions mirror the lifestyle of the Fifties: she had outfits for parties, the beach and tennis as well as cotton dresses, pajamas and poplin suits. In her last years, her wardrobe consisted mainly of "Dirndl" dresses.




          The doll became so popular that she was exported to other countries, including the United States, where she was just called "Lilli". Some Lillis have been seen in original packaging dating from the 1950s for an English-speaking market labeled as "Lilli Marlene", after the famous song. Several toy companies (mainly in Hong Kong) started producing fashion dolls looking very similar to Lilli. These dolls are easy to distinguish because of their poor quality.


          But Lilli also inspired the production of another fashion doll of high quality who would soon outshine her: Barbie, produced by Mattel. Ruth Handler, one of the company's founders, bought some of the Lilli dolls when she was on a trip to Europe. Back home she reworked the design of the doll and re-named her Barbie, who debuted at the New York toy fair on March 9, 1959. Barbie had rooted hair and her shoes and earrings were not molded — apart from that she was a lookalike of Lilli. Barbie celebrated 50 years of continuous production in 2009.


          Louis Marx and Company acquired the rights to the Lilli doll from O&M Hausser and released it in America as the Miss Seventeen (doll) in 1961. Marx unsuccessfully attempted to sue Mattel for patent infringement.


Related Characters


          In 1962 Beuthien created another cartoon character called "Schwabinchen" for a Bavarian newspaper but it wasn't as successful as Lilli and the dolls inspired by her were in poor quality. Later he started "Gigi" who had even less success and never made it into a doll.


          Lilli became so popular in Germany that in 1958 a movie about her was produced: "Lilli - ein Mädchen aus der Großstadt" (Lilli — a girl from the big city). The star was chosen from a contest: Young women all over Germany sent their photographs to the Bild-Zeitung hoping for a career as a movie star. The winner was the Danish actress Ann Smyrner.


"Lilli - ein Mädchen aus der Großstadt"

Ann Smyrner

          Lilli lent her name to several luxury products like scent, wine and rhinestone jewelry plus a flower.


Further Reading


          There are no books about the Lilli doll alone. Even though their whole Barbie success was based on this German original, Mattel's legal department made sure that using the name Bild Lilli as a book title or product name would infringe copyright laws. Mattel had discreetly bought up all and any patents and copyrights to Bild Lilli, while Marx Toys held some of them after the demise of this toy competitor. Unlike Barbie, Bild Lilli was produced for only eight years and never reached the importance of the American doll. By the time the creators and producers of the original Bild Lilli doll, O&M Hausser, realized that Mattel had duped them into selling off their intellectual property and distribution rights for ridiculously low lump sums, Barbie had already made Mattel such a successful and influential market leader that law suits were struck down in favor of the ever-growing American toy giant. However, in several books about Barbie or the German lifestyle in the Fifties there are chapters dedicated to Bild Lilli. In the book by Knaak all dolls and wardrobes are described and shown in color. More basic information can be found found in:


  • Knaak, Silke: Deutsche Modepuppen der 50er und 60er Jahre (German fashion dolls of the Fifties and Sixties); 2005. No ISBN; available at German and English.

  • Warnecke, Dieter: Barbie im Wandel der Jahrzehnte; Heyne 1995. ISBN 3-453-08738-0. German.

  • Metzger, Wolfram (Ed.): 40 Jahre Barbie-World; Info Verlag 1998. ISBN 3-88190-229-5. German.

  • Lord, M.G.: Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll; Avon Books 1995. ISBN 0-8027-7694-9. English.

  • Rolf Hausser's Story (Interview in the magazine "Barbie Bazaar", February 2000). English.

  • Stephanie Deutsch: Barbie. The First 30 Years 1959-1989. Value guide. 



This 7.5 inch small Bild-Lilli sold

on eBay on Aug-17-08

for US $1,400.00.


The New Bild-Lilli

The German Bild newspaper 

recently revived the Lilli cartoon series, 

the new version of Lilli is called Lilly:




          The Bild (formerly Bild-Zeitung was founded by Axel Springer in 1952.   It mostly consisted of pictures (therefore the name BILD, German for picture).  Bild soon became the best-selling newspaper, by a wide margin, not only in Germany, but in all of Europe, though essentially to German readers.


          Through most of its history, Bild was based in Hamburg. Bild moved its headquarters to Berlin in March 2008, stating that it was an essential base of operations for a national newspaper. It is printed nationwide with 32 localized editions. Special editions are printed in some favored German holiday destinations abroad, in Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey.

Bild newspaper 

vending machine 

in Germany



Bild Lilli 


Marlene Dietrich, actress 

(1901 - 1992)



          Lilli was originally a cartoon character created by German cartoonist Reinhard Beuthien for a "filler" on June 24, 1952 for the newspaper Bild-Zeitung in Hamburg, Germany.  She became very popular as a curvy gal who knew what she wanted and went about her business to get it.  She was classy, sassy, fashionable (his wife Erika helped with the fashions) and desirable, much like the Ms. Dietrich of the 1930's movies .


          After a short time Reinhard decided to produce a doll of this character and it was Max Weissbrodt from the famous Hausser/Elastolin company in Neustadt/Coburg, Germany who created and produced a doll to his satisfaction. 


          On August 12, 1955 Lilli was first sold in Germany, usually found in smoke shops and a few toy stores.  Later they were exported to several countries, even the USA (these have a doll stand with only "Lilli" on them, the regular stand says "Bild Lilli".


          Lilli's original stand is just like "younger-cousin" Barbie's it's round and the dolls foot has holes that fit on to a prong of metal. She was accompanied by a miniature copy of the Hamburg newspaper Bild-Zeitung and the cartoon continued to run in the real journal every Sunday.

          Her entire packaging was designed by Mrs. E. Martha Maar (mother-in-law to the owner of the Hausser company and owner of a doll company 3 M Dolls), it consisted of a clear oval tube with the doll on a Lilli round stand as the bottom and a lid.  The doll is unmarked.  Her stand had her name on it.


          She was produced in 7 1/2 -8" and 11 1/2", her shoes and earrings are molded on, she has a painted face with side glancing eyes with white irises, high v-like narrow eyebrows, red cupid bow lips and fingernails.  She is all plastic with limbs attached inside by coated rubber bands.  Her hair is a cut-out scalp that is attached by a hidden metal screw that was not meant to be played with and is in split curl bangs and a ponytail (Note: this was intended for adult males as a party or gag gift) usually found in Blonde. She came as a dressed doll, with additional fashions available separately. Her fashions have push together snaps usually marked on the inside snap with "PRMY".  She was also cloned and copied by other doll makers .


          This is the doll that Ruth Handler found while shopping in Europe in 1956, and was exactly what she had been thinking of producing.  She bought three dolls;  gave one to daughter Barbie and the others to her designers at Mattel.  The rest is pretty well known history.  Barbie debuted at the New York toy fair on March 9, 1959.  Mattel acquired the rights to Lilli in 1964, thus her production ceased.


          The Lilli head molds however were sold to a British Hong Kong firm named Dura-Fam Ltd. which produced the same 11 1/2" doll which is found marked "Hong Kong".  Another set of molds were leased to Chang-Pi Su Co. who reduced them to 7 1/2 - 8" and released them as "Cherie".  More blank molds went to Fab-LU (Luften, Ltd.) who sold a doll called Babs, Marx used them too and had a doll called Bonnie, a larger 15" doll called Miss Seventeen "A Beauty Queen" and a 7" doll named Miss Marlene.  Sak Industries,  Inc. used the mold and sold a doll named Babbie, and an Australian firm Haro-Mate Ltd. sold the dolls marked "Hong Kong" and carried the registration number of "British Patent #804566 and U.S. patent #2925684. Most of these dolls come from the 1960's.











Forwarded By Sgt. James S. Thornton


Inner Peace:


This Is So True

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, 

If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, 
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it, 

If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, 

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment ,

If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can relax without liquor,  

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!

And you thought I was going to get all spiritual !!










Forwarded by Jon C. Zimmerman




In case you didn't know...

Women are Angels

And when someone breaks our wings...

We simply continue to fly...


On a broomstick...

We are flexible like that.

OOOPS !!!!








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