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January February March   2010    Volume 5 Number 1






Weihnachtsfeier - Cleveland



By Karoline Lindenmaier (Hetzel)



          Am 20. Dezember 2009 fand die grosse Weihnachtsfeier mit allen Gruppen im Holzersaal des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Kulturzentrums der Donauschwaben statt.  In der Vorhalle lud der grosse geschmückte Weihnachtsbaum bereits die ankommenden Gäste ein.  Daneben hatte Lehrer Martin Hebrank der deutschen Sprachschule viele Lichtbilder am laufenden Band vorbereitet, die anlässlich ihrer 50 Jahrfeier am 21. März 2010 auf einer CD erscheinen werden.  Man konnte diese vor und nach dem Programm bestaunen.


          In allen Räumen waren Girlanden und Kränze angebracht und die Bühne war wie jedes Jahr mit einem leuchtenden Christbaum sowie mit einer Reihe roter Weihnachtssterne geschmückt.  Die weissgedeckten Tische mit roten Kerzen bereiteten ein heimatliches Willkommen für die vielen Mitglieder mit ihren Kindern und Kindeskindern.


          Die Donauschwäbische Blaskapelle under der Leitung von Präsident Roger Radke und der Dirigentin Michelle Esper spielten schon vor und während des Programmes weihnachtliche Melodien, die Michelle z.T. mitsang.  Vor der Bühne waren Stühle aufgestellt auf denen die Schülerinnen und Schüler Platz nahmen.


          Um 2 Uhr nachmittags eröffneten Hilde Hornung, Kulturrefertin des Landesverbandes und Ingrid Dorr, Landesjugendleiterin die Feier und lasen Weihnachtsgrüsse aus Rheinland-Pfalz und Baden-Württemberg Deutschland, aus Australien und befreundeten D.S. Vereinen in den USA vor.  Der neugewählte Landespräsident Robert Filippi überbrachte seine eigene Grüsse und die seines Vorgängers Leo Mayer aus Los Angeles.  Franz Rimpf, Präsident der Clevelander Donauschwaben war mit seiner Familie in North Carolina eingeschneit und musste die Feier versäumen.  An seiner Stelle bat man den langjährigen Präsidenten und jetzigen Geschäftsführer Sepp  Holzer Grüsse zu überbringen, was er auch freudig tat.


          Das Programm lief planmässig ab:  Zuerst kam die Unterstufe der Deutschen Sprachschule auf die Bühne während das Publikum das Lied “Ihr Kinderlein kommet“ sang.  Sie brachten Gedichte und Lieder, die sie kräftig sangen und gut betonten.  Die Leiterinnen Edith Hebrank und Gerda Juhasz, sowie die Lehrerinnen Astrid Julian und Gabriele Samodelov, die fürs Programm aller Schüler verantwortlich waren, wurden gennant.  Nach dem Abhang dieser Gruppe überreichte Herr Wolfgang Keich einen Scheck vom deutschen Stadtverband den Frau Hebrank freudig entgegennahm.  Dann kam die D.S. Kindergruppe unter der Leitung von Ingrid Dorr und Helferin Laura Helfrich Calvey an die Reihe und sang mit strahlenden Gesichtern einige Lieder. Als nächste Gruppe sang die D.S. Jugendgruppe unter der Leitung von Margot Maurer und Stellvertreterin Erika Rounds mehrere Lieder.  Der Banater Chor unter der Leitung seiner Vorsitzenden Cindy Cornett und der langjährigen Dirigentin Andrea Ball sang mit Klavierbegleitung mehrere schöne Weihnachtslieder.  Danach las die Frauenleiterin Helga Schlothauer ein vertrautes Weihnachtsgedicht vor, welches die älteren Menschen im Publikum an ihre einstige Heimat erinnerte.  Danach wurde bie Blaue Kerze entzündet zum Zeichen der Verbundenheit aller Deutschen in der ganzen Welt und mit ihr wurden alle Kerzen auf den Tischen entfacht.


          Dann folgte der Chor des Schuhplattler und Trachtenvereins Bavaria mit seinem Dirigenten Alfons Schermaier und seiner Vorsitzenden Barbara Hermes mit wohlklingenden Weihnachtsmelodien.  Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Oberstufe der Deutschen Sprachschule brachten dann wie jedes Jahr das Krippenspiel, das allerdings immer neu  gestaltet wird.  Diesmal handelte es sich um ein Dorf, ein armes trauriges Dorf in dem alles verdorrt war, auch die Herzen der Menschen.  Die Herbergsuche wurde dargestellt wie in der heutigen Zeit.  Man merkte wie die Menschen sich verwandelten als sie Maria und Josef im Stall mit dem nackten Jesuskindlein sahen.  “Und in dem Dorf war die Liebe eingezogen und Friede war eingekehrt“, sprach der Erzähler zuletzt in seiner schönen deutschen Aussprache als das Lied  “Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht“ von allen gesungen das Krippenspiel beendete.


          Dann hielt der HL Nikolaus seinen Einzug um die Kinder zu bescheren.  Die D.S. Frauengruppe hatte eine reichliche Tombola aufgebaut und die Frauen brachten Kaffee und Weihnachtsgebäck zur Freude der Erwachsenen, die noch gemütlich beisammen sassen um sich in vertraute Gespräche zu vertiefen.


          In der Hoffnung, dass das kommende Jahr auch bei uns allen viel Liebe, Verständnis und Friede in unsere Herzen einziehen lässt, grüsse ich alle Freunde ganz herzlich

Karoline Lindenmaier (Hetzel)



2009 Banater Chor

2009 Blaskapelle

2009 German School

2009 Jugendgruppe

2009 Kindergruppe

STV Bavaria Chor

2009 Blue Candle

2009 Franziska Holzer u. Nikolaus

2009 Holzer-Dorr-Hornung






You are invited to attend our



at our Clubhouse

6540 N. Milwaukee Ave. in Chicago.

Doors open at 12:30 AM 

Lunch available at 1:00 PM


Our Children's group will party and play games.

Children should dress up in their favorite costumes.

Come and see their special program.

Prizes and gifts to hand out.

Donation at the door is $ 5.00 per person

Children are free



American Aid Society

of German Descendants

Youth Group

Spaghetti Dinner & Bingo



6540 N. Milwaukee Ave. in Chicago.

Donation for Adults:   $ 8.00
BINGO Card:       $ 1.00 each

Kindergruppe members come in free

Time:      6:30 PM until ??? 

Spaghetti Buffet available at 7:00 PM

Please join us and bring your family and friends.

There will be great food and prizes to give away.

Support the American Aid Society of German Descendants

Youth Group









(53rd Anniversary)





Forwarded From Trenton Donauschwaben




          The Trenton Donauschwaben Club celebrated its 53rd anniversary this past October 18th. The Sunday afternoon event packed our clubhouse; we are delighted to say. Guests included a sizable contingent from our sister club, the Philadelphia Donauschwaben, as well as from our good neighbors at the German American Society. All enjoyed the tasty Schnitzel dinner presented by our hard-working kitchen staff and serving crew. Attendees were also treated to the fine sounds of Vince Botteon and his magical accordion that created just the right atmosphere.


          Highlights from the anniversary program included poem presentations by the charming Tindall sisters, Christa and Katie.  Our German School for young people led the singing of a number of songs, including the old time favorite “Kein schöner Land”.  We were also happy to have a full complement of dancers from the Philadelphia-Trenton Dance Group this year. Their energetic and enthusiastic performance wowed the crowd even though the space available to them was just a bit more than a large walk-in closet!  Many thanks to Matt Gauss for some thoughtful and humorous comments just before the dancers went on.


          Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to club members Christina Martini, Sofi Walter, Gary McGhee, Jacob Bauer, Anna Hahn, Käthe & Evi Schmidt, as well as Frau Käthe Marx from the Philadelphia Donauschwaben. These awards are an effort to publicly recognize our fine members for all their hard work and dedication over the past few years. “Danke Schön” to them for their service and to everyone who made our 53rd anniversary such a special occasion.







Teutonia Youth Group

46th Annual

Strauss Ball


February 20, 2010 Teutonia Club - Schwaben Hall

Doors Open 5:30 pm -- Dinner 6:30 pm

Performance 8 pm -- Dance Music by The Rheinlanders




Buns & Butter

Spring Salad

Liver Dumpling Soup

Penne with Meat Sauce

Glazed Chicken Supreme

Roasted Potatoes

String Beans Almandine

Coffee / Tea



Tickets : $ 40

For information call:

969-3815 or 979-0714










Forwarded by American Aid Society, Chicago



          Our annual Kirchweihfest took place on a cool and cloudy Saturday. It has just been an unusual cold and rainy fall season. Even though it was cool, the atmosphere inside was warm and delightful. The Kirchweih is our least attended event due to the fact that it is on Saturday and in Lake Villa, which makes it very difficult for many of our elder members to attend. Many can no longer drive at night or the distance to Lake Villa. We need our younger members to bring the elderly with them by being volunteer drivers.


          The program opened with the first march shortly after 8 PM. Ingrid Lisauskas opened by singing the national anthem. Vice-president Siggy Henz was the Master of Ceremony. President Joseph Stein introduced Eckhardt Blaumueller, President of the Donauschwaben, Michael Walter, President of the Karlsdorfer, Joe Schneider, President of the Kerneier, Helen Meiszner, President of the Germania Women's Club, a group from the Lieblinger Club, and honorary presidents of the American Aid Society, Richard Gunther and Hans Gebavi. Rosemary Fechner was congratulated on receiving the award of outstanding teacher from among 1000 Lutheran teachers. He thanked all the guests and volunteers who worked so hard to make everything run smoothly. The leaders of the Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe were commended for the hard work they do with our children and youth group members. Joyce Csapo then presented the American Aid Society with a plaque of appreciation from the German Day Association for our financial contributions to the Steuben parade in the last 43 years.


          The Kindergruppe did their Kirchweih march first. At the end, a boy’s name was drawn from a hat and the winner was Eric Iwaniec who gave the Strauß to his partner Eileen Kennedy. They danced an honorary dance before the rest of the group joined in the dance. All marched out with smiling faces. At 10 PM, the Jugendgruppe marched in to auction of the Strauß. Among the marches were guests from Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, and Milwaukee as well as many of our own Jugendgruppe who had come home from college. They all received a warm welcome with much applause. Siggy Henz said the Kirchweih poem and Erik Lisauskas was the auctioneer. After a record breaking bidding, Matthias Wissmann won, and he gave the Strauß to his partner, Julie Davis. All family members from both sides took part in the honorary dance. Everyone had a most enjoyable time. The Perlen Band provided the evenings music. The Davis and Wissmann families provided breakfast at the conclusion of the evening. All guests who had remained were invited to partake in the large selection of delicious food. It was fit for a king. So much variety of cold and hot foods as well as home-made desserts. The party went well into the wee hours of the morning.


          We are ever grateful to Nick and Helen Fritz, Waldemar and Magdalena Markwald. John and Barbara Gabler Sr Mary Mihalovich. Resi Seidl. and Mr. and Mrs. Hatzisch for the donation of all the Rosmarein used for the Strausses and decorations this evening. What would a Kirchweih be without Rosmarein ?  Thank you so much and continue the good work. Erika Scheffrahn, our decorator, made good use of the Rosmarein in her decorations. Great job!


See you all again at our Kirchweih in 2010.







The Jugendgruppe

of the German Cultural Society

cordially invites you to their annual


Saturday, March 6, 2010, 8:00 p.m.

Kitchen opens at 6:30 p.m.

DKV-Hall, 3652 South Jefferson Avenue

Admission: $ 10.00

For tickets and reservations call

Maria Thalheimer: 842-0332 or Usula Fox: 843-4073

Traditional German Food & Drink








74th Frauengruppe Gründungsfest


Forwarded From Kitchener Donauschwaben



          On Saturday, November 21st, our Ladies Auxiliary celebrated their 74th Anniversary at the Club. Our Auxiliary President, Mary Hild, and our Club President, Phil Neidert, greeted the many members and friends who were in attendance. The kitchen provided a delicious meal, and the Golden Keys kept the dance floor busy as usual. The Hall looked lovely decorated with red and white flowers along with the numerous congratulatory bouquets from our Club and dance groups. Entertainment was provided by the Schwaben Choir led by Eric Offak, and our own talented Kindergruppe, Donau Dancers and Schwaben Dancers. It was a most enjoyable evening!


Susan Cook

2nd Treasurer












Forwarded by American Aid Society, Chicago



          This year’s Schlachtfest took place on All Saints Day, November 1, 2009. It was a typical fall day with some sun and pleasant temperature. Doors opened at 12 noon but many people came as early as 11:15. They probably forgot to turn their clock back the evening before since this was the weekend to change the clock. We had a full house of 520 paid guests plus the Kinder, Jugend, and workers, which brought the total to well over 600 people.


          Greeting of friends and Cocktails began at 11:45 AM. The serving of the appetizers of Leberwurst, Schwartelmagen and Grieben along with bread and Krautsalat began right after the national anthem was song by John Gruber and the dinner prayers were said by Nancy Henz in German and by Samantha Leicht in English at 1:15 PM. Ingrid Lisauskas had a bad cold and could not sing the national anthem.


          Our Jugendgruppe did all the serving. They did it quickly, in a friendly way, and without any problems. They are excellent contributors to our organization. I hope that many guests complimented them for the great job they did. After the appetizer plates were removed, the Jugendgruppe served the main meal of Gulasch, Sarma, and Hungarian Bratwurst and the trimmings that went with the meal. Throughout this time, the Kindergruppe sold raffles for the beautiful baskets that had been made by Bernadette Henz and her helpers. Almost everything in the baskets had been donated or hand made by some of our talented people like Franz Dochnal and Siggy Henz. Most baskets were so big or heavy that the winners needed help from the Jugendgruppe boys to carry them to their cars. It was the biggest raffle to date.


          At the end of the main meal, the tables were quickly cleared to make room for coffee and dessert. The women of our organization baked a great variety of cookies. They looked and tasted out of this world. A big" Thank You" to all of our donors. You outdid yourself again. Throughout the meal, the Phenix Band played lovely dinner music. The Kindergruppe followed the serving of the dessert with several old dances that were well received and enjoyed by our guests.


          Upon the completion of the Kindergruppe program, Vice-president Henz, who was the master of ceremony throughout the afternoon, introduced President Stein. President Stein welcomed all guests and introduced all presidents from the different organizations and their members, Judy Baar Topinka, candidate for the Comptrollers position of Illinois, Reinhardt Richter from the Rheinischer Verein, Armin Hornann from Deutschland Echo, and Helga Blaumueller from the Eintracht. A sincere expression of "thanks" went to our kitchen staff, the workers on Saturday, the ticket sellers, the entrance workers, the Jugendgruppe, the Kindergruppe and their parents, and our decorators. President Stein thanked everyone for supporting our organization throughout the year. He wished everyone an enjoyable afternoon and a save trip home. It was great afternoon spend with friends.










Kitchener Donau Dancers


Forwarded From Kitchener Donauschwaben




          Well, another Oktoberfest has come and gone!  Once again, it was a busy time for us, as we had twenty-four performances crammed into six days! If I include the “Oktoberfest Preview” at Conestoga Mall, Waterloo Mayor’s Luncheon at the Waterloo Civic Square, and Chartwellreit Residence in Oakville, it makes twenty-seven! With the exception of a few drizzles here and there, the weather was quite suited to the annual Fall spectacular! Although it was a “little chilly” early in the morning, we survived the Oktoberfest / Thanksgiving Parade as well!


          It was nice to see many familiar faces throughout the week, at the various clubs, and particularly at Bingeman’s on October 16th, where we performed for the Region’s “special-needs kids”! We look forward to that one in particular, every year. That’s not to take away from the festivities at all the German Clubs in the area, but it’s certainly a hi-lite for us!


          Feedback was positive from every club where we performed, and it only solidifies the growing interest in German culture, history, and heritage, that we strive to deliver each year. Large quantities of beer, and German cuisine don’t hurt either!  Naturally, there are always people to thank, on behalf of the Donau Dancers; the Club owners, for making us feel welcome, Piller’s Meats, and Midas Car-Care for the transportation, Oktoberfest Inc. for putting us to work, Ed Ries for his innovative ideas for our Dart Booth (a must-see every year), the Schwaben Club for their continued support, Sue Ann Champion and Peter French for their assistance with volunteers and game booths, the volunteers themselves (you know who you are!), the parents of the Kindergruppe for the Pretzel sales and especially YOU! - the audiences, customers, socialites, party-animals etc..who make K-W Oktoberfest a success each and every year!


          So now, we start preparing for Oktoberfest 2010, in the hopes of being “bigger ‘n better” by the time October 8th rolls around!



Joel Wideman

Secretary - Donau Dancers









Weinlese Fest, 2009


Forwarded by Carpathia Donauschwaben


By Carsten Grotloh and Chris Pesta


          The Carpathia Kulturgruppe hosted the annual Weinlese Fest on October 24, 2009.  Several days before the dance, a trellis was hung from the ceiling and a jail was set up in the corner of the hall (a special thank you goes out to Lawrence Dietz, Adam Schwager, Chris Pesta, Carsten Grotloh, Kurt Seiberling, and Amanda Schwager for their time and patience). The trellis was decorated with grape vines donated by Dan Tisch and Frank Kemmer Sr. Another special thank you goes out to Dan Tisch and Dave LaFave for decorating the trellis. A wine tasting table included a variety of wines to be sampled and purchased.


          After a Schnitzel and Sarma dinner, the festivities started. Members of all ages had a great time trying to steal the grapes as they danced to the music of the Freddy Ziwich band.  Those who were caught were sent to jail, hoping somebody would pay their bail (special thanks to all our junior police officers and our judge, Dave LaFave). Members of the Kulturgruppe also sold fresh, out of the oven, pretzels during the night.  During the band breaks, the Carpathia Kinder/Middle Groups, Jugendgruppe, and Kulturgruppe performed. Although the attendance was lower than past years, those who attended had a great time.
















Forwarded From German Cultural Society, St. Louis



          Ich kann mit Freuden berichten, dass der Chor wieder ein erfolgreiches Konzert hatte. Unsere Lieder gefielen allen, und unsere Solisten überraschten viele, besonders “Elvis” (Mike Kimbrell), und Karen, die Auszüge von “Sound of Music” sang. Auch unser Dirigent, Stephen Jones, der Kompositionen von Duke Ellington und Steve Allen spielte, trug zu der Vielfältigkeit unseres Programms bei. Barbara Potje machte einen angenehmen Eindruck mit ihrer schönen Stimme, und Dolores Jones spielte die Gitarre zur Verschönerung unserer Lieder.


          Die Deutschmeister Blaskapelle brachte Stimmung in den Saal, und viele schwangen das Tanzbein zu den schönen, bekannten Klängen. Das Festkomitee bot Schnitzel an, und wurde dadurch sehr populär. Ich möchte mich bei allen, die uns so zahlreich unterstützten, bedanken, und ich hoffe, dass sich jedermann gut unterhielt.


          Wir werden demnächst unsere Weihnachtslieder proben, und neue Sängerinnen sind immer erwünscht und willkommen. Weitere Auskunft erhalten sie von mir unter 314-842-6798.


          Der Chor wünscht einen schönen Herbst und Frohe Weihnachten.


Von Käthe Tullmann



The Ladies of the Damenchor 

at their annual fall concert “Liederabend und Tanz”



          Back row, from left to right: Catherine Unterreiner, Eva Goepfert, Irmgard Wittendorfer, Anna Ruppe, Ursula Fox, Gerda Glasz, Monika Kimbrell, Diane Horning, Becky Haas

          Front row, from left to right: Barbara Potje, Karen Tones, Aline Thalheimer, Lucia Maleki, Mitzi Glatt, Käthe Tullmann, Erika Kaiser, Maria Thalheimer, Resi Neulinger, Sophia Stahl.

          Seated at the piano is our conductor, Stephen Jones, and playing the guitar is his wife, Dolores.










United German Hungarian Christmas Party



Forwarded From UGH



     Photo by Franco Sicilia


          A delicious dinner buffet was served. The main entrees included Chicken Marsala, Prime rib of beef, with various vegetables and potato dishes. Maria Antoniak played her accordion for our listening pleasure. At 5 pm the Cultural Group‘s show began with a welcome by Stevie Paul. The play was narrated by Sofi Walter who explained that “The Christmas Spider” was of German and Ukrainian origin.


          The Villagers (Miners) Mike Fricker, Dan Galgon, Nick Walter, and Ed Galgon, along with Joey Reiter, Sasha Malofiy and Stevie Paul, performed the Miners Dance. Then, the black spiders, Jakob and Even Hubert, Kyra Malofiy, Sabina Hartman, Anika Mahadevan, Chrissy Dieterly, Karina Wiehan, danced around spinning their webs near a Christmas tree. Later the Icicles, Emma Walter, Sabrina Keyes, Mikaela Malofiy, Karina Fricker, Catherine Dieterly, danced weaving tinsel over the webs, making beautiful tree decorations.


          The townspeople including Mike Fricker with Jenn Lineman, Mikaela Malofiy with Dan Galgon, Sasha Malofiy with Michelle Paul, Nick Walter with Karina Fricker, Joey and Allysa Reiter, Fallon Weyershaeuser and Ed Galgon, Sofi Walter and Stevie Paul danced the Amboss Polka Plattler.


          After a slight pause, so the cast could change into their Nativity Scene costumes. Joey Reiter narrated the wonderful Christmas Story as Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus, Nichole, Chris and Christopher Deely, proceeded on their journey. They were followed by the angels, the shepherds, the animals, the villagers, and finally the three Kings. As always, all sang Silent Night in both the English and the German language. The show ended with an enthusiastic singing of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.


          Soon Santa Claus appeared and the children and teens and even adults (females of course) enjoyed speaking with him!!! It was a happy event. Great to celebrate with old and new friends!!







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