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Ranger, Eastland, Texas

Thornton Family (along with Margaret Gladys Sterling Thornton) may have lived here.

Carl Freeland Hill Sterling may have lived here 1901.

History in Words and Photos






Information found by TCT 12 January 2013

Carl Sterling: Lived here in 1910?

Ranger, Eastland, Texas

Ranger is a city in Eastland County, Texas, United States. The population was 2,584 at the 2000 census. Ranger College, a community college, is the second largest employer in the community.

During the 1920s, Ranger, like nearby Cisco, Eastland, and Desdemona, were petroleum boomtowns.

The Ranger Antique Airfield (F23), established in 1928, is the third oldest airport in Texas. Amelia Earhart landed at the field in 1931 in her Pitcairn Autogyro. Managed by Charles Calvert, the airport held its first air show in May 2008. Jared Calvert, a local pilot, was featured on Bob Phillips' Texas Country Reporter television series to bring public awareness to the effort of preserving the historic site.[3] The airport has two grass runways. 1-19; 2730 ft. x 80 ft. / 18-36; 1950 ft. x 60 ft.,_Texas



Oil-field boom town of Ranger in 1919.





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