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              LANDESVERBAND USA            




July August September   2010    Volume 5 Number 3


"Click" on image for PDF version of Carpatha Club Oktoberfest Flyer



"Click" on image for PDF version of AAS Heimatfest Flyer

"Click" on image for PDF version of UDoM Oktoberfest Flyer





JULY  2010



Forwarded From German Cultural Society, St. Louis


Holzschnitt von Franz Koch


The Traditional German Church Consecration Festival

Sunday, August 22, 2010

starting at 11.00 a.m.

The Ladies' Choir will sing a German Mass to the accompaniment of the Deutschmeister Brass Band at 11:00 a.m. in our hall.


Kinder-Tanzgruppe , Schuhplattler , TrachtengruppeDamenchor , Deutschmeister Brass Band ,
 and an exhibition of articles made by our
Arts & Crafts Group

served after Mass and throughout the afternoon

For directions and a map to the DKV-Hall click here .

To see pictures from previous years, click here.

See you there!

German Cultural Society
3652 South Jefferson Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63118
(314) 771-8368

Click Here for PDF Flyer





Greetings Members and Friends of the Donauschwaben!


Car show is tomorrow, July 11th, 9 AM to 3 PM...


          Because of the anticipated bad weather today, we're moving our car show to Sunday (tomorrow).  This is not an ideal situation for our club or the GAK given that not everyone who planned to come today will be able to come tomorrow.  However, with your support this important event will still be a success for our organizations.  Please stop by anytime between 9 and 3 o'clock and join us for great food, drink, music and wonderful show cars.  Admission is free to the viewing public and your friends from the Donauschwaben look forward to greeting you. 

See you tomorrow!





JULY 2010


Viennese Gala Ball

of the Donau Dancers


Forwarded From Kitchener Donauschwaben

Catherine Thompson


          The Viennese Ball is synonymous with the beauty and grace of the 19th century. Dancing at thirty revolutions per minute, one cannot help feeling swept back to an era where romance ruled the world and moved the heavens.


          Guests to the Ball were greeted by strains of classical music performed by 2 cellists from Eastwood C.I. and a bubbly glass of champagne. Dinner was a gourmet affair; cream of carrot with ginger soup, garden salad, chicken in sauce aux champignon and Rouladen. The meal ended with a fresh fruit flan. Rolf Eberl, president of the Donau Dancers, gave the welcoming speech. This was followed by the Cotillion, with dancers who had spent many hours preparing an elegantly choreographed polonaise to traditional Viennese music, concluding with the Viennese waltz. The women all wore long dresses, and the men were attired in black tuxedos, so that when they waltzed together they were the picture of elegance.


          The excellent stylings of the Variations and the large dance floor accommodated the ballroom dancers who swirled to the music. This was the evening for everyone who enjoys excellent dance tunes.


          The Donau Dancers presented the 5 Fledermaus Quadrilles, well-known at all Austrian Balls and, later in the evening, the Ländler from the Sound of Music and the Sternwalzer, all performed in gowns and tuxedos. Mr. Horst Kessler was the caller for the Quadrille, and bid the gentlemen escort their ladies to the dance floor, couple by couple.


          A raffle was also held, the final major event of the evening.


          Elegant, exquisite, extraordinary.... the Viennese Gala Ball was an unforgettable evening.


Catherine Thompson







JULY 2010

Verein Teutonia/Windsor

2010 Events



Forwarded From Verein Teutonia Club, Windsor






JULY 2010

Tag der Donauschwaben

Cleveland Ohio

By Karoline Lindenmaier (Hetzel)



          Während des Jahres finden viele verschiedene Veranstaltungen im Gebäude des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Kulturzentrums der Donauschwaben und auf dem Gelände des Lenauparks statt, an welchen die einzelnen Gruppen die Verantwortung übernehmen bzw. die Einladungen ausschicken und die Programme gestalten.  Doch der Tag der Donauschwaben ist ein gemeinsames Fest für alle Gruppen, alle Mitglieder und deren Familien und Freunde.  Da erwartet man eine grosse Teilnehmerzahl, die jedoch von Jahr zu Jahr geringer zu werden scheint.  Die älteren Mitglieder können aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht mehr teilnehmen oder haben vielleicht keine Fahrgelegenheit.  Es finden auch oft Familienfeiern, wie Hochzeitsjubilaen, Graduationparties usw. statt.


          Troztdem war am 13. Juni 2010 wieder zur Freude der Teilnehmer ein Treffen alter Freunde.  Gutes Essen von Chef Steve Weiss und seinen Helfern zubereitet, wurde ab zwölf Uhr ausgegeben und für gute Unterhaltung war gesorgt.  Die D.S. Blaskapelle, in grosser Besetzung nahm auf der Bühne Platz und spielte viele wohlbekannte Weisen – mit Leiter Roger Radke und Michelle Esper (Wittmann) Dirigentin und Sängerin. 


          Dann folgte der Aufmarsch der Gruppen im Freien und die Totenehrung am Gedenkstein mit Kranzniederlegung der Jugend.  Präsident Rimpf sprach Worte des Gedenkens an die Toten der alten und neuen Heimat, er gedachte der Gefallenen, Vermissten und Verstorbenen in den Titolagern.  Hilde Hornung las ein ergreifendes Gedicht, der Banater Chor sang:  “So nimm denn meine Hände…” (Leiterin Cindy Cornett, Dirigentin Andrea Ball), die D.S. Frauengruppe (Leiterin Helga Schlothauer) sang gemeinsam mit der Jugendgruppe (Leiterin Magot Maurer) “Donauschwaben werden wir genannt…” und das von einigen Musikern der Blaskapelle gespielte Lied:  “Ich hatt’ einen Kameraden” wurde von allen Anwesenden kräftig gesungen.


          Im Holzersaal wurde das Programm fortgesetzt mit den Hymnen, der Begrüssung von Ingrid Dorr, erste Vizepräsidentin von Cleveland und Landesjugendleiterin des Landesverbandes.  Präsident Rimpf sprach ebenfalls herzliche Worte der Begrüssung.  Die Ehrenkonzulin Frau Diana Thimmig, die auch mit aufmarschierte, wurde vorgestellt. 


          Die Leiterinnen der Deutschen Sprachschule, Frau Edith Hebrank und Frau Gerda Juhasz verabschiedeten die Abschlussklasse, verteilten Zeugnisse, Urkunden und Prämienbücher.  Kinder verschiedener Klassen lasen Gedichte vor und die Gewinner des “Gustav und Gertrud Huhn Stipendiums” wurden vorgelesen.  Es waren Crystal Zielke und Claudia Telman.  Ein Teilstipendium bekam Maggie Bildstein für gute Fortschritte.


          Der Banater Chor sang mehrere Lieder, die Kindergruppe (Leiterin Ingrid Dorr) tanzte sich, wie immer, in die Herzen der Zuschauer und die Jugendgruppe tanzte mit Schwung und strahlenden Gesichtern mehrere Volkstänze und erntete grossen Applaus.  Die Mitglieder der D.S. Frauengruppe gaben nach dem Programm nochmals das aromatische Essen und die frisch gebackenen Krapfen aus, während die Blaskapelle wieder zur Unterhaltung spielte.  Auf dem Sportplatz tummelten sich unsere Fussballmannschaften und hatten begeisterte Zuschauer.  Wahrscheinlich waren sie angespornt von dem Spiel der Weltmeisterschaft, welches sie zuvor im Fernsehen gesehen hatten.  Über den Sieg der deutschen Mannschaft gegen Australien haben wir uns alle sehr gefreut.


          Somit ging der Tag der Donauschwaben 2010 wieder zuende.


Karoline Lindenmaier (Hetzel)



          Miss DS 2010 Stephanie Rounds, Ehrenpräsident Franz Awender, 

Ehrenkonsulatin Diana Thimmig, Ehrenpräsident und Geschäftsführer Josef Holzer, 

Frau Franziska Holzer, Mr. DS 2010 Nicholas Krist, Präsident Franz Rimpf

Deutsche Sprachschule Abschlussklasse

Tag der Donauschwaben 13. Juni, 2010 in der Holzer Haller







JULY 2010


Mother’s Day Luncheon


Forwarded From Kitchener Donauschwaben

Peter Speckner


            On May 2, 2010, the Schwaben Club celebrated its annual Mother’s Day Luncheon. It was a wonderful day, full of wholesome entertainment, good food, and a great time all around for families. The day began with a sale of beautiful flowers raising money for the Kinder/ Jugendgruppen. And they went quickly – they were sold out within 45 min. Next, Susan Cook came up, read a touching poem and welcomed the audience. After another short poem and Grace from our Miss Schwaben, Mishi Savulescu, lunch was served. Once again, the kitchen did a wonderful job. The schnitzel and roast beef were delicious, and the potatoes were great. The vegetables provided a great addition to the meal. Finally, the Hazelnut torte was a perfect ending to the meal.


Mishi Savulescu


            Then the performances started for the day. The Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe went first, both astounding us with their energy. The Kindergruppe especially had a lot of fun with their new dance, done to the song “Fliegerlied”. Many of their dancers really got into it. The Jugendgruppe themselves continued to impress us with the complexity of their dances, and how quickly they’re coming along. Keep up the good work, both of you!


            Next on the agenda was a concert from our very own Schwaben Choir. Lead by Eric Offak and singing a selection of poignant songs, it was nice to see our tenured members getting involved in the festivities. Then a heart-warming duet performed by Cathy Thompson and Peter Speckner, singing about the endurance of a mother’s love for her children. The Donau Dancers performed next, keeping the momentum of the day going. Then another light-hearted poem was read by Cathy Thompson, and the presentations ended with a performance by the Schwaben Dancers. Everyone did a wonderful job, and it was nice to see so many people and groups get involved this year.


            As a special bonus for the kids, a face painter was brought in to decorate the youngsters, in the hopes of adding more smiles and colours to the occasion. She was so popular, she was asked to stay for an extra hour, in order to get through all the kids who wanted to get all dolled up.


            Overall, this Mother’s Day was a wonderful tribute, not only to the Mothers in attendance, but also to all members of the Club. It is events like this that show how the members of the Schwaben Club can come together like one big family, and celebrate an event that’s close to all our hearts.


            Here’s to seeing everyone again next year.


Peter Speckner

Cultural Director








JULY 2010



in Honor of our Mothers


Forwarded by American Aid Society, Chicago



          The sky was blue and the temperature was in the low 60's. The beautiful sunshine made it even feel warmer and most of the Kindergruppe and other children that attended the fest made great use of our playground. They had a wonderful time outside, which was nice to see. Due to the nice weather we had 15 walk-ins.


          Many guests arrived earlier than the 12 o'clock door opening. Guest came with plates full of appetizers. They were placed on 3 tables for the serving at 12:30 P.M. The appealing and delectable appetizers not only looked out of this world but satisfied everyone who partook in them. We had so many platters of goodies that many guests could go 2 or 3 times to fill their plates without running out. It was a beautiful sight to see so many satisfied guests. The leftover goodies were placed on the bar to be enjoyed later.


          The Kinder- and Jugendgruppe program began at 2 P.M. The Jugendgruppe began with 2 short and entertaining skits. The Kindergruppe followed with some songs, skits and a play. The program ended with 3 dances performed by the Jugendgruppe. They all received enthusiastic applause.


          The Henz sisters, Becky and Hancy Henz. said the dinner prayers in German and English before the Jugendgruppe served the main meal. The serving started at 3:10 P.M. and everyone was served within 15 minutes. What a great job by the kitchen staff to dish out all the food and the quick serving by the Jugendgruppe, as good as any professional kitchen. The meal consisted of Rolladen, Schnitzel, Spatzle, green beans with almonds, red cabbage, gravy, bread and butter. Coffee and cake followed.


          President Stein welcomed all the guests and the presidents of the Karlsdorfer Verein, Mike Walter, Joe Schneider of the Kerneier Verein, and Irene Rotter, Vice-President of the German Day Association. The German Day Association will have a 90th Anniversary celebration on Saturday, June 18, at the White Eagle Banquet Hall. The cost will be $ 65.00 per person including drinks.


          A much deserved "Thank You" to all who made this event possible. A special thanks goes to Monika Gabler, Erika Scheffrahn. Otmar and Anni Scheer, the ladies and gents of the kitchen staff, and to the set­up and clean-up crew. To all our guests for attending this event, without your support, the Verein could not exist.







2010 Fall & Christmas Shows




Forwarded From Kitchener Donauschwaben






JULY 2010

Wiener Abend

Jugendgruppe des Deutschen Familien Vereins



Forwarded From Akron Donauschwaben, German Family Society

Präsident: Sepp Geiser







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