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October November December   2009    Volume 4 Number 4















Danube Swabian


Forwarded From Philadelphia and Trenton Donauschwaben



          The Philadelphia Phillies organization decided to host a German Heritage Day during one of its last regular season games - their first ever.  Our Philadelphia/Trenton Donauschwaben Dance Group was given the opportunity to dance before a packed stadium of 46,000.



Dancing in Front of the Biggest Crowd Ever!


So when the World Series contending Philadelphia Phillies organization needed a German dance group to perform during their very first German American Day Celebration, upon whom did they call? That’s right, the Philadelphia-Trenton Donauschwaben Dance Group!   Not surprisingly, our dancers jumped at the opportunity.  Not only would they be performing in front of 40,000+ baseball fans at the stadium, it turns out they would be on “Fox Sports” national TV for about 40 seconds too. WOW!


The whole idea was hatched in less than a week’s time for one of the last regular season home games for the National League Champs on October 3rd.  Given the occasion, anyone able to do so quickly cleared their schedules for the Saturday afternoon performance.  The group of 16 dancers met before the game with Phillies’ organizers and their popular mascot, Philly Phanatic. Guided by the talented family of Tanzgruppeleiter Fred Gauss, our dancers “coordinated” some humorous dance moves with the furry Philadelphian.  An impromptu practice then followed in the unlikeliest of places, a big bathroom inside one of the locker rooms!


Meanwhile, parents and a number of other dance group supporters way up in the right field seats, level three, could only wait nervously.  Suddenly the “Tanzgruppe” emerged from the third base side tunnel as the fifth inning drew to a close.  A few minutes later the group’s smiling faces appeared on the “Jumbo Tron” and they began marching onto the field to the announcer’s introduction.   The Donauschwaben had arrived!


The familiar music of one of the best known dances suddenly blared from the public address system as the dancers and the Philly Phanatic began whirling and twirling in unison.  Those watching didn’t know whether to look at the giant screen above or directly at the group far below.  Most of us tried to do a combination of the two, looking up and down repeatedly and an almost dizzying fashion.  The dancers were marvelous!  They smiled, laughed and looked like they were having the time of our lives.  All the while, the Philly Phanatic masterfully injected himself into and out of the performance in a manner all seemed to enjoy.  It went very well indeed and there was an appreciative round of applause at the end.


          Kudos to our dancers and to everyone involved in making this event happen, including the Gauss family and Philly DS president Rose Matico.  Congratulations as well to our friend Bill Galgon, president of the UGH, for performing with his band “Heimatklaenge” just before the first pitch.  We hear that the Phillies’ organization liked the whole thing so much they are considering more of the same in the future.  Perhaps then another lucky German dance group will get the call to appear on field.  We know they’ll have the same home run of a good time ours did.


Submitted by

Hans Martini


Hans Martini







          The Danube Swabian dancers on the field

during German Heritage Day

at Citizens Bank Park

Philadelphia Phillies


Florida Marlins

October 3rd, 2009

In this video:

Diana Rose Kauffman, Lauren Kauffman Veitz,

Mariel Kauffman, Matt Gauss,

Patricia Gauss Kelly, Regina Gauss Kosiek





November 18, 2009

Doors Open: 6:30 PM
Numbers Called at 8:00 PM

Ticket Price: $3.00
(Includes Cake and Coffee)

For Reservations and Tickets Please Call Emily Fricker







The Ambassador

of the Federal Republic of Germany

visits Cleveland


by Karoline Lindenmaier (Hetzel)

Translated by Thomas C. Thornton, M.D.


 Doctor Klaus Scharioth 



          On 31 August 2009 the Danube Swabians of Cleveland had the honor of receiving the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Doctor Klaus Scharioth, in the German-American cultural center.


          10 days prior to this event, the special consul in Cleveland, Mrs. Diana Thimmig had informed the Danube Swabian office that the German Ambassador, as well as the new general consul, Mr. Onno Hückmann of the general consulate, Chicago, would arrive on 31 August 2009 in Cleveland and briefly welcome the representatives of the local German clubs.  For this event the Danube Swabians, as well as representatives of other German clubs of Cleveland and the surrounding area, Pastor Hörst Hoyer, Dr. Robert Ward and some broadcast announcers arrived at 11 a.m. in Holzer Hall of Lenaupark.  They were cordially welcomed by our president Franz Rimpf.  


          The special consul, Diana Thimmig, joined the honored guests and opened the event. She introduced the ambassador, Dr. Scharioth, and general consul Hückmann.  She listed their impressive credentials. The attendees discovered that Ambassador Scharioth was born in the year 1946, in Essen, Nordrhein Westfalen, is married and has three children.  He has been active for 33 years in foreign service and, since 2006, has served as ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States.


          Dr. Scharioth cordially opened his remarks and stressed the importance of the  cooperation between the United States and Germany.  He discussed some recent activities of the two countries. The attendees introduced themselves and affiliation with their respective clubs in Cleveland.  President Rimpf took the opportunity to discuss the 50 year anniversary of our club as well as its activities.


          Dr. Scharioth gave a lecture in the evening with the “Cleveland Council of World Affairs“ on the subject of: “Transatlantic Agenda “. We are grateful that these gentlemen, even if only briefly, took the time to spend an hour with us for coffee (there were leckere cakes) and mingle with several attendees.  Photographs were taken of this memorable meeting with these honored guests.


Karoline Lindenmaier (Hetzel)


Ingrid Dorr, Karoline Lindenmaier, Mina Rimpf, Diana Thimmig, Onno Hückmann , Franz Rimpf, 

Klaus Scharioth, Josef Holzer, Elisabeth Filippi, Robert Filippi, Pastor Horst Hoyer, Frank Awender














OCTOBER 30, 2009

















Forwarded by American Aid Society, Chicago


          Da wir einen sehr kuhlen Fruhling hatten, wurde am Vormittag der Totengedenkfeier debattiert ob wir die Messe am Denkmal oder in der Halle abhalten sollen. Es wurde beschlossen, da es keinen Regen gab oder Vorschau von Regen war, die Messe am Denkmal abzuhalten. Schließlich eignet sich daß Denkmal zu diesem Zweck und wurde fur diese Feier errichtet. Diese Feier war auch unserer Vertreibung vor 65 Jahren besonderst gewidmet. Es war auch gut so da wahrend der Feier die Sonne im vollem Glanz war und wir mussten sogar einen Schirm aufstellen fur etwas Schatten fur den Priester.


          Die Feier begann mit einem Einzug der Muttergottesmadchen von unserer Kindergruppe, der Jugendgruppe mit den Kreuzen auf denen Namen der Ver-nichtungslagen geschrieben waren, etli-chen Beamten, und Pater Langsch. Der deutsche Kirchenchor der St. Alphonsus Kirche unter der Leitung von Maria Bap-pert sang das Eingangslied und auch die Lieder wahrend der Messe. Pater Langsch hatte in seiner Predigt die alte, die neue und die ewige Heimat verbunden.


          Würdige Worte zur Vertreibung der alten Heimat vor 65 Jahren. Nach der Messe wurden Kranze von der Deutschen Tag Vereinigung, Kerneier Verein, Donauschwaben von Chicago und Milwaukee, und American Aid Society zum Andenken an alle Verstorbenen in der ganzen Welt zum Denkmal gebracht.  Auch einige Geldspenden wurden von dem Karlsdorfer und Zerneer Verein uberreicht.


          Vize Prasident Siefried Henz bedankte sich bei alien Vereine fur die Blumenkranze und Geldspenden. Danach stellte er President Joseph Stein, vor der die Rede von Pater Rettig "For Whom the Bells Toll" vorlies.  Diese Rede wurde in Cleveland zur 50 jahrigen Vertreibung der Donauschwaben gegeben. Diese Rede wiirdigt die traurige Geschichte unseres Volkes. Die wurdige Feier wurde mit dem Lied "Ich hat' einen Kameraden" beendet.


          President Stein bedankte sich bei Pater Langsch fur die Lesung der Messe, beim St. Alphonsus Kirchenchor, bei der Kinder- und Jugendgruppe, bei allen Vereinen die anwesend waren und beim Kuchen, Bar, und Arbeitspersonal die mitgeholfen haben um dieses Fest zu gestalten. Allen anwesenden Gasten wurde besonderes ein Dank ausgesprochen weil sie zu dieser Ehrenstunde kamen zur Erinnerung aller unserer verstorbenen Landsleute.


          Danach genossen alle das gute Essen und noch einige Stunden mit Freunden und Landsleuten bei herrlichem Sonnen-schein und angenehmen Klima.


















United German Hungarians




Saturday- A Busy Schedule


          Saturday was a busy day with a hectic schedule beginning with the Group Prize Plattling at 9 AM at the Seagate Convention Center. Sixteen groups participated and the winners would be announced on Sunday at the Picnic at 3:00 PM.

Our Prize Team consisted of:

John Reiter – Connie Reiter

Dan Galgon – Janet Malofiy

Rolf Stielow – Karen David

Werner Fricker III – Lisa Fricker

Alex Blank – Susi Hartmann

With Marlene Fricker as coach and Maria Antoniak as the accordion accompanist.


          There was time for lunch and then our youth participated in the Jugend Einzelplattler. We had the largest number of couples participating:


Sasha Malofiy Jr. – Michelle Paul

Joey Reiter – Kristin Reiter

Stevie Paul – Mikaela Malofiy

Sasha Malofiy Jr. – Fallon Weyershaeuser

Josh Meck (Auerhaun) – Allysa Reiter

Joey Reiter – Karina Fricker


          The youth are only critiqued and are not rated.  We now hurried back to our own hotel to change into our Bavarian Tracht for the Mass and the Banquet.


          The “Bauernmesse” was held in the Convention Center and was attended by many of the Gaufest attendees. It was a beautiful event and quite a few of our members were able to attend. A bus then picked us up to take us to the Oak Shade Grove in Oregon, Ohio to attend the Banquet Festivities.


          During the impressive Parade of Flags, our new “Fahnentraeger”(Flag carrier) Werner Fricker III proudly carried our flag. A delicious dinner was served and various welcome addresses were heard by the Gaufest chairman, the 1. Gauvorstand, and local officials. Later six dance groups performed their “Ehrentaenze”( these dances were performed by other groups throughout the

weekend.). Our group had been requested by the host group to perform during this evening and we proudly performed for the first time “A Laendler Potpourri”. There were fireworks later and finally the Einzelpreisplattler Awards were announced.

Music was by Die Sandler a group from Germany who had played at our Oktoberfest the previous year. Four more clubs performed their Ehrentaenze and at 12 midnight, the banquet ended.  We returned by bus to our hotel, the Crowne Plaza and many enjoyed the various hospitality rooms.


Sunday Picnic and Farewell Dance


          The busses began departing from both hotels at 10:30 AM for the Oak Shade Grove. A Brass Band, Die Fichtler Buam Band played music and Ehrentaenze were continued throughout the afternoon. Food was served until 2:00 PM while the Parade of Flags was again at 1 PM. The Awards were announced at 3:00 PM. Only the first five are announced and we were happy to be in that group.


The Gaufest Gruppenpreis Plattler results were:


1. Bayern Verein Newark – Newark NJ

2. 2. STV Bavaria-Cleveland, Ohio

3. GTEV Maple Leaf Almrausch-Ottawa, Ontario

4. TEV Edelweiss-Denver, Colorado


6. SVEV D’Oberlandler – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

7. Gemuetlichen Enzianer – Franklin Square, NY

8. SG Edelweiss – St. Paul Minnesota

9. Auerhahn Schuhplattler – Oley, PA

10. SVV Original Enzian, Franklin Square, NY

11. Edelweiss Passaic = Passaic, NJ

12. SG Alpenland – Montreal, Quebec

13. BSC Holzhacker Buam – Toeldo, Ohio

14. Almrausch Altoona PA

15. Bavarian Club Edelweiss – Westchester, NY

16. Alpenland Tanzer – New Britian, Connecticut


          There was a new scoring system introduced this year for the judging. It is interesting to note that number one’s impression was 95 and their total was 392. Number sixteen impression was 56 and their total was 247. The German Hungarians impression was 91 and the total was 367.  Our club was awarded a plaque for the Meist Prize (a prize for having the most attending).


          At eight o’clock the Farewell Dance took place at our hotel. Since “Klinger” a character of the TV Series “MASH” was from Toledo, the hosts decided to use this TV series for the theme of their Farewell Dance. Many came in regular clothing, many came in semi-Mash theme but quite a few really went all out and it was a riot! Prizes were awarded in various categories and among the children our Christopher Deely Junior won as “Baby Mash”. Of course it was kind of fixed since the winner was chosen by the applause of the crowd and since we had the most people and lots of friends there, three month old Christopher won. However, since there was a terrific four year old dressed as “Hot Lips Houlihan”; Nichole gave the prize to her.  Later, we returned to the BS Room and partied to the wee hours of the morning.


Monday, Farewell Toledo


          On Monday morning, we said farewell to many old and new friends as well as those of our members who would be leaving by car. The bus headed for Pennsylvania and home. It was a good Gaufest. We were happy with all our dancers. We had many hours of camaraderie with old and new friends and are eagerly looking forward to the 23. Gaufest in Orlando, Florida on June 30 to July 3 with the STV Maigloeckchen of Daytona Beach, Florida.


            The United German Hungarian Schuhplattler Group placed 5th out of 16 groups in the Gruppenpreisplattler at the 22nd Gaufest held in Toledo, Ohio, August 13-16. In the Einzelpreisplattler competition, Alex Blank and his partner Alissa Row from the Auerhahn Schuhplattler placed 10th out of 46 groups. Competing for the first time in the Einzelpreisplattler, Michael Fricker and his partner Nichole Deely placed 37th out of 46 groups. In addition, our club won the Meist Preis for the guest club having the most people at the Gaufest. Congratulations to All !!!












Forwarded by American Aid Society, Chicago


          Das Musikfest am 28. Juni war eines der schonsten Tage in diesem Sommer. Angenehm warm, keine Feuchtigkeit und lachender Sonnenschein. Dies machte sich bemerkbar da die Besucherzahl die grofite war von den letzten funf Musikfesten.  Die 43 Mann starke Blaskapelle aus Fornach im Salzkammergut, Monika Lenz, Heinz Koch und das Barden Duo trugen reichlich dazu um die Gaste anzulocken.


          Die Kapelle spielte auf der Freilichtbuhne und die Show fand in der Halle statt. Die Kapelle spielte zweimal fur zwei Stunden und es wurden auch zwei Shows angeboten. Die zweite Show musste spater gegeben werden da der Wind einen Ast abgebrochen hatte und die elektrische Stromleitung durchschlug. Die American Aid Society Kindergruppe brachte einige Volkstanze welche von den Gasten reichlich ein Applaus belohnt wurde.


          Der ganze Tag und die Shows sind von alien Besuchern hoch gelobt worden. Leider war die Küche total ausverkauft trotzdem wir mehr vorbereitet hatten. Da es keine Kartenvorbestellungen gab war es sehr schwer zu plannen wieviel gekocht werden sollte.  Bei schlechtem Wetter ware wahrscheinlich die halfte von dem Essen übrig geblieben.


          Ein Dankeschon geht an Armin Homann der sich viel Mühe gibt um deutsche Entertainers hierher zu bringen. Es ist keine leichte Arbeit. Allen Helfern der Kiiche, Bar, und Kartenverkaufer von der American Aid Society ein großes Dankeschon fur die muhevolle und freiwillige Arbeit die sie zum Guten des Vereins leisteten.









2009 Donauschwaben





Forwarded From Akron Donauschwaben, German Family Society

Präsident: Sepp Geiser



          This summer did provide something special and it took place at our own Donau Park.  The GFS had the honor of hosting the second “Donauschwaben Jugendlager” (Danubeswabian youth-group camp-out), which was initiated last year by the St. Louis, MO Danube Swabian Club. It turned out to be so wonderful, that our national organization asked that it be continued annually, and Akron was chosen because of our great facilities and centralized location.  Silvana and Dave Sensius, as our “Jugendleiters”, graciously accepted the responsibility of organizing the 4-day event, which took place on July 9th through the 12th. All sorts of activities were planned and types of meals discussed (we all know how picky eaters young people can be).


          Then came opening day, with the first groups of young people and chaperones arriving already at two on Thursday afternoon. Soon all 50-plus guests were settling-in and began putting up their tents around the grounds of our main soccer field (after-all it was a camp-out and this area was chosen because of the shower and bathroom facilities). After the youth introduced themselves, a few brief speeches were presented by the national President, Robert Filippi, the national Jugendleiterin, Ingrid Dorr, myself as host city President and national V.P., and of course Dave and Silvana with welcoming remarks and explanations of the planned itinerary.


          Then the real fun began with some planned games, dinner and refreshments. This was a great way of breaking the ice and allowing the young people to burn off some energy before settling down around a camp fire and eventually turn-in for the night (well almost, as you could hear the muted giggles and whispering of excitement leaking out of the tents until well past midnight). As the kids eventually began to fall asleep, it was time for the chaperones to get acquainted over a few beers and Jaegermeisters. I have to say that many new friendships were also made between the adults during this time, and very fascinating discussions were held about the various organizations.


          The next day turned out to be a scorcher, but that was perfect, as Dave and Silvana planned an outing at the Geauga Lake water park. Everyone (including the chaperones) had a great time there; the water rides were constantly sought after and lunch was served as a picnic in the shelter. Hundreds of photos were taken with my camera to record the event, and the smiles of the young people were evident in every picture. After a brief rest upon returning to the GFS, the youth rebounded with amazing energy and following a wonderful and filling dinner, they danced most of the evening away with music of all sorts including: rock, country, hip-hop and even polkas (Anton aus Tirol would be astonished!). The dance music was DJ’d by our national Danube Swabian Foundation President, Ed Tulius from Cincinnati, who had every type of song imaginable on his laptop. Great job Ed!


          However, not all was just for fun and games, as the youth were assigned responsibilities throughout the “Lager” event. This included cleaning-up after the meals and helping out with a variety of duties assigned to pre-established groups. No one seemed to complain and all the young people were very respectful and cooperative (what a great representation of our “ethnic” German upbringing!). Saturday was “Culture” day, and it began with everyone learning how to make “Schwobische” bratwurst . It was humorous to see that some of the youth were surprised to find out what sausage casings actually were. I even heard a few “Eeeks”, but no one shied away from getting their hands right into the process. Mrs. Ganz was also there to help demonstrate how homemade German potato salad

was made, and all seemed to be delighted with her cooking skills, humor and accent.


          While one rotating group was busy in the kitchen, another group was being taught a new heartfelt song about our Danubeswabian heritage entitled “Donauschwaben Kindes-Kinder” written by a band (the Schilcher Krainer) made-up of third generation “Schwobs” now living in Switzerland. This tune may become the new “Schoen ist die Jugend” (a traditional song sung by generations of our youth) of the future. Fred Leipold was there with his accordion skills as our music instructor, and the lyrics were translated so that those who did not understand enough German could follow along and absorb the meaning of the song. Following the singing of this and other traditional “Volkslieder” chairs were put away and folk-dances were shared and taught by the various leaders of youth groups present.


          After lunch, a more serious but also important kind of lesson about our ethnic history was presented to the youth, as Mrs. Anna Koenig arrived to give a heart-wrenching talk about her experiences during her frightful time after World War II in concentration labor-camps under the communist regime of Tito in the former Yugoslavia. One could see the sadness but peaked interest in the faces of the youth. She also discussed the many hardships that were faced by her family (as were by many of our families) after coming to a strange new land with nothing but the clothing on their backs. Yet, she explained, “these same immigrants, who did not understand a word of English, managed to persevere and with hard work and a will to survive became one of the most productive and successful parts of our American society”.


          This was followed by a question and answer session, and many of the adults present were surprised by the degree of interest shown by our youth. Although some of the topics covered were poignant and intense, this is a part of our Danube Swabian history that needs to be told so that our future generations can appreciate their heritage. There was some down time after this, and then it unexpectedly began to rain very hard, but even that couldn’t spoil the fun as some creative young minds decided to make a water slide next to our “Edelweisshaus” out of some plastic tarps and dish soap found in the kitchen. It was hilarious to see these kids, clothes and all, sliding into the torrential monsoon.


          Even some of us adults were (not all that reluctantly) coaxed into joining in (I have some great photos to prove it). Of-course all the wet clothes and water-soaked kids coming into the hall to change in the bathrooms drenched our dance floor, but it was quickly mopped up and things eventually returned to normal without a single complaint by any of our GFS directors (the things we endure for the sake of our youth?).


          Next, a surprise dinner was served, and it consisted of the same sausage and potato salad made by the youth earlier in the day and you could see by the ravenous appetites that it must have been good, because almost all of it disappeared quickly. We had other menu items for those who were hesitant in trying their own handiwork (LOL- email acronym for “laugh out loud”).


          Saturday was the last night for the “Lager”, but some of tents around the soccer field were flooded from the rain, and a few campers asked if they could sleep inside the hall. This turned out to mean, “everyone stayed in the hall”! Sleeping bags were scattered everywhere, under tables, in hallways, in the classroom behind the stage, in the coatroom, behind the bar (Dave found a spot all to himself) and even in the office. What a site! It was like a wave of new immigrants moved into the Akron GFS. However, it was too early to go to sleep just yet, so Dave put on some dance music on our club sound system, and away it went. The youth were like a ball of energy that wouldn’t quit, and since it was their last night together, they were allowed to stay up, dance, sing, and enjoy the camaraderie as long as they were able.


          This is when the new friendships that were made really became obvious. You could see that a few of the younger ones were somewhat saddened that this was going to be their last night together, but on the whole everyone just wanted to hug, dance, sing and have a good time. I hope everyone understands that this is a reason of why the “Jugend Lager” was initiated. It was to help establish long lasting friendships between our youth from all over the country, yet also educate them about our culture and heritage while having a rewarding experience with life-long memories.


          I truly believe that the “Jugegendlager” in Akron succeeded, and I hope that it was (in no small way) a building block for keeping our clubs and our heritage alive for many years into the future through the learned experiences and continued friendships of our youth. Many of our ethnic clubs preach “that the youth are our future”, and these “Jugendlagers” are an example of practicing what we preach!


          Well, Sunday, was farewell day, and although we only had one to two hours sleep (if you call sitting on a bar stool sleeping), Dave, Silvana and Carrie Sensius along with myself began to make a special breakfast at six in the morning. Over seventy eggs were scrambled using my secret recipe (if I told you, I’d have to kill you…LOL), muffins, more of the homemade sausage, and a variety of fruits and

juices were served. Then as the groups began to depart, it was fantastic and rewarding to see all the hugs and kisses, and shouts of “I’ll text you” and “don’t forget to email me as soon as you get home”. Although the “Jugendlager” was intended for the youth, I believe, as adults, we also learned much and made many new friends during this experience. I will never forget these four days in July of 2009, and I believe that many of the chaperones present saw the value of such an event, and will report this to their respective organizations.


Mit freundlichem Gruss:

Sepp Geiser

Praesident, German Family Society, Akron


















United German Hungarians

131st Oktoberfest



          Our new site proved to be an easier and less costly undertaking. Three tents were erected to the side of our clubhouse facing Spruce. Since we were in this area, we were able to use not only the stage but the bar pavilion and the kitchen beside the large patio. Everything worked well and the few glitches that occurred will be corrected in the future.


          All three days proved to be successful and the local bands were immensely enjoyed by all as well as the Oberkrainer Power from Austria. A group from middle Wisconsin who had performed and marched in the Steuben Parade also attended on Saturday and performed for us. Our dancers were as always very popular although we were a little surprised when Jennifer Lineman went flying across the stage floor, and I do mean flying, during the Kreutz Koenig Dance. She was a little bruised but immediately got up, walked across the floor to her partner and continued dancing. What a trooper!


          The food throughout the weekend was delicious and the soccer fans enjoyed the games played throughout the weekend.


Photos of the Oktoberfest weekend can be found at this link:


          Bavarian President, Alex Paraker and German Hungarian President, Bill Galgon thank all the many volunteers and all who attended or helped in any way to make this Oktoberfest a success!!!







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