Landesverband der Donauschwaben, USA




APRIL 2009


Forwarded From Carpathia Club Donauschwaben

New Jugendgruppe Leaders- Carpathia Club

Rob Schwalbe    Debbie Kapraun    Karin Schwalbe



Forwarded From Carpathia Club Donauschwaben

Stephanie Kemmer

    The Kulturgruppe has welcomed 2009 not only with warm hearts and great friends, but with new leadership as well. As of the General Membership meeting in February, the leadership within our group has changed with Jennifer Blasius stepping down. Stephanie Kemmer has taken over the group leadership and W. Carsten Grotloh is now the assistant leader. We wish Jennifer and her family well. They will be missed and will always be welcomed should they come back. We have many new bookings coming up in the near future. Our biggest event coming up is our 50’s – 60’s Sock Hop on July 25th at Carpathia. We hope to see you all there showing your support. We are always welcoming new people and now is a great time to start!


    We are currently reviewing all of our dances, so starting will be easy. We practice every other Sunday at Carpathia Club between 5 PM and 7 PM. For more information about our group or practice/performance times you can contact us through our new email address:


Thank you again for supporting our group.


Stephanie Kemmer



Forwarded From Carpathia Club Donauschwaben

Cindy Schleis and Christine Pesta

    This winter the children from both the Little and Middle groups have been busy learning new dances. The Middle Group started learning Schuhplattler which will be an addition to dances they currently perform. Paul Schwalbe has volunteered his talents in teaching the boys. Thank you, Paul! Angela Dietz has also assisted Christine and I for the past year with both groups. Thank you, Angela!


    Some upcoming events include Maifest, the Bavarian Festival in Frankenmuth, Father’s Day Picnic weekend and the city of Warren’s Cultural Event in August. The Kindergroup will be sponsoring the “Kinderplatz” during Father’s Day weekend and Labor Day weekend. There will be new games available and the possibility of kid friendly food.


    The children work very hard learning their new dances and Christine and I are very proud of them. Watch for our new look with costumes this year! We would also like to thank all the parents that bring their children and their support.


Cindy Schleis and Christine Pesta

2008 Club Christmas Party


2009 Königsball



Heim der Donauschwaben

Forwarded From Chicago Donauschwaben

Kindergruppe Updates


            The Kindergruppe has had a fairly relaxing Spring this year , partially because the Spaghetti Dinner has been moved (more on that later).  We did have a small group perform at the Verein Bankett in March, and though they were few in number the kids did an outstanding job. Those of you who were not at the event missed a treat: since we had an odd number of dancers and did not want any of the children who stayed up late for the performance to sit out any dances, we asked the littlest dancers to improvise a trio to each dance.  After the kids' three dances it was unclear  as to who was having more fun, the audience or the trio.


            ln April the children danced briefly at Elk Grove Village’s  3rd annual Celebration  of Cultures.   Thirty-One children danced and again did a fantastic job representing our club.   Mrs. Wiegert managed the group's table, which included an informational display she created with information on our Donauschwaben heritage.  She also sold American Girl Doll Dirndls, which proved to be very popular items.


            Our next couple of performances will be at the Wochenendschule’s Muttertagsfeier and at the Rheinischer Verein's annual May fest.  If you're not busy come down to watch the kids dance on Sunday, May 31st.


            Finally , if you have not already noticed, please note that the Spaghetti Dinner that was to be held on May 15th, has been moved. The event will be held in the fall, and the Kindergruppe will instead have a regular practice on May 15th.



Viki Johnson



Forwarded From Kitchener Donauschwaben

Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe


    The highlight for this month was our very own Schwaben Club’s 78th Anniversary. Even with over half of our dance group absent due to illness, we were able to perform our new dance "Today is the Day". The children did a phenomenal job… their best yet! Way to go dancers! I am so proud of all of you and I know your teachers are too!


    Teaching twenty children and keeping it fun and interesting is not only a challenge at times but also an art. A BIG thank-you to our teacher volunteers who make this all possible.


    Dedicated are Jennifer Offak, Katelyn Borch and Andrea Adam. A special thank-you to Miss Katie Harvey, Miss Schwaben 2009. The extra help is always appreciated.

The children look forward to our next club event in March…Schlachtfest! Hope to see you all there!


Lisa Schaadt

Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe President


Deanna Schaadt with Miss Schwaben 2009 Katie Harvey

Tyler Watchorn with Miss Schwaben 2009 Katie Harvey

Jayne Beckett with Miss Schwaben 2009 Katie Harvey



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